Lydden Parish Council Allotments
The Parish Council have 12 allotments that are rented out to local parishioners. The majority of the allotments are kept in very good condition and a great variety of vegetables and fruit are grown.
Potential allotments tenants are asked to sign a formal tenancy agreement which ensures that all are aware of the normal conditions under which allotments can be rented.
The rent for a full allotment is £35 per annum and for 1/2 an allotment, the rental is £17.50 per annum. Invoices are normally sent out at the beginning of October and rent is payable in advance by the end of October.
Sheds are allowed on the allotments but are subject to various conditions concerning size and construction.
There is a waiting list for allotments, so if any parishioner would like to submit their request for an allotment, they should email the Clerk to the Parish Council at [email protected] and he will put you in touch with the Councillor responsible for the management of the allotments, Cllr. Michelle Cregeen to whom all enquiries should be addressed.
A copy of the full tenancy agreement can be found here:
The above agreement should be signed before any undertaking by the Parish Council for a tenancy of an allotment is undertaken.