Findings from the District Housing Needs Survey published
Lydden Parish Council
Results from Dover District Council’s Housing Needs Survey have been published.
DDC carried out the survey at the beginning of 2023 to improve the council’s understanding of housing need in the district. It was the first time the council had conducted a district-wide survey of this type.
All residents were invited to answer a series of questions relating to their current housing situation, including whether they intended to move, and if so, what type, size, tenure and location of the home they would need.
The survey also asked respondents for their views and perceptions on affordable housing development.
Since the survey closed, DDC has been analysing the results and is now able to release the data.
To read more please follow this link
Contact Information
Irene Bowie
Find Lydden Parish Council
Lydden, Dover, Kent
Additional Information
Parish Council meetings are normally held in Lydden Village Hall at 7.30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month.